Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shopping Emergency!

If you can't keep track of where I am, don't feel bad... I am literally all over the place. If you're reading this, then I'll let you know I'm in Chapel Hill, NC for the next few weeks. Although, Katie Little's wedding is this weekend so I'm leaving Thursday afternoon for Destin, FLORIDA!!! Luckily, that's where the bf lives so I'm getting the best of both worlds at this wedding!

Okay but down to business. I packed all kinds of stuff but couldn't decide what to wear for Katie's actual wedding so I'm banking on finding a dress... TOMORROW!

I will say, I found a very cute boutique online, with the CUTEST little name... let's hope it delivers in person! Fingers crossed :)

Wish me luck and stay tuned for what I find!

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